Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Stomach Bug ... Yuck!

Last night, in the middle of the night, in came Andrew because he had wet his bed and then after that was taken care of, Lindsey straggled in. She said she felt sick and sure enough, she wasn't there for more than a minute and she started vomiting. Luckily, she had grabbed a bowl on her way so that part wasn't bad. She fell right back asleep, but stayed home from school today. She said she was feeling alot better, but I missed my church cleaning job today because Lindsey was home and I clean on Tuesday. When the kids all got home from school, I ran up to the church to clean for not my normal four hours, but just long enough to get the trash emptied and the church vacuumed. While I was in the hallway, someone came to the door which always freaks me out when I am there alone. It was Chris Hodges, who is in our Ward and also in the Navy Band. He was hurrying to get his key into the lock and in ran his 5 yr old daughter, Chloe. I thought she had to go to the bathroom, but he said they were driving and she had said she felt like she was going to get sick, too. Now that part, I found amusing because if we were out and about and one of my children said they felt sick, I would not run to the church, chance them not making to the bathroom, and then even if they make it, let them vomit in a public toilet - I would just lead them to some inconspicuous grass, but anyway, I then called my friend Mandi and her little boy had the same thing, so I guess this fun bug is going around. Lindsey felt fine all day but then tonight we took Michael to karate and she fell asleep. When we got home, she said she felt sick again, and sure enough, it looks like this isn't as quick a sickness as I thought. These are the times it is hard to be alone. To take care of her and then try to give a little attention to everyone else is hard because you can only stretch yourself so far -- and honestly, I feel quite queasy, too. Oh well, hopefully we're blessed and this will pass over the rest of our family!


Sheila said...

OH Cindy, I'm so sorry for Lindsey. That stomach bug was going around here in Middletown a few months ago, and whatdoyaknow, the NIGHT before David left for two weeks, Abby got it, the next day Jacob, and then Jackson. Yuck. We hibernated in the house for three days. No fun. I sure hope none of the other kids get it and Lindsey feels better soon!