Tuesday, February 17, 2009

After 2 1/2 years ...

I've been released!!! I feel so light, so relieved! I have loved my calling as Primary President, from the very day I was called. However, with Jonathan being gone, it has been a struggle and I have often felt like a whirlwind -- just too much going on. I don't really feel a bittersweet reaction, I just feel happy. I am going up today to the church to clean out my "stuff" and the new president asked if I would go to their first meeting, as she has never even served in the Primary before (talk about overwhelming!), but I have declined. I don't mind meeting with her prior to the meeting, but honestly, I have no desire to sit in on their meeting, and especially the first as they establish their presidency. What I noticed that was very interesting to me is that I have known and loved those children for years. I speak with them each Sunday and almost every Wednesday, yet I was released on Sunday but still did Sharing Time and I found myself having to think of their names -- and almost got stuck a couple of time as crazy as that sounds. I guess the mantle of my calling had been lifted.

So what can I do now? Paint, paint, paint. I also have so much to do and lots of organizing, sorting through things, etc. It's amazing how much you accumulate in just a couple of years. And as I look at the walls and ways we have destroyed our home, I realize a lot of it comes from Jonathan! The kids aren't really that hard on things, but he has certainly caused damage! He really is still like a big kid!


Janus said...

I am really happy for you. I can kinda relate a little bit. When we were living in Logan, I was the homemaking counselor for a couple of years and when they finally released me I handed over my binder to the new counselor with maybe a little bit too much enthusiam. It was a good calling but I was glad it was over. Congrats on your releasment and good luck with all your organization and painting.

Briana Ward said...

I am happy that you have a little less on your plate right now. Good luck with all the painting and organizing. oh, I am glad that I am not the only one that has a big kid around too.