Thursday, August 28, 2008

Erin's New Teeth

At Erin's last orthodontist appointment, they told me that her orthodontist needed to see me for a consultation. Erin took that to mean her braces were coming off. I took it to mean they were going to hit us up for some new procedure and more money. However, Erin told me it was important to have faith, and by golly, she was right.

Here is a picture of Erin with no more braces. I think she looks beautiful!

On a sad note, Jonathan left today for 8 months. That is not fun for any of us. I feel a little bad because people have made comments to him like they would never leave their family, or he doesn't need to go to the school, etc. and I take them to be judgemental comments. It feels like this is the right thing to do for reasons that are clear to us -- and as a family we feel very peaceful and positive. Our Ward and our friends here has reached out with so much love and support that it is truly unbelievable. We feel incredibly blessed to be here in Tennessee, and we just pray these next months go by quickly!


Janus said...

Why is Jonathan going away for 8 months and where is he going? Wow, I had no idea. Will he be able to come home on week-ends? You know, you could always hop in the car and come to Minnesota. We would LOVE to have you.

BTW, Erin, your smile is simply Marvelous.

I'm glad that you have such great support from your ward and family, even though we didn't have a clue.


onedayatatime said...

I tried to call you a couple of times but I didn't leave a message. I wanted to tell you that it looks like our next duty station will be in Bremerton, WA just outside of Seattle. Want to come visit?

Holly said...

Seattle!!? Yay! That is close - (well, closer).
I hope the next 8 months go smoothly for you. Will he get leave over the holidays to come back to TN?

Briana Ward said...

Jeremy has probably been one of those people making comments. I heard him on the phone with Jonathan the other day and just remember that jeremy obsesses and he has been obsessing about Jonathan being gone. I told him yesterday that I was sure everything would be fine and for him to stop thinking about it but I might have just told him to stop breathing and it may have been easier. I hope it goes by quickly and that he comes home lots to visit! Good luck!

Tell Erin we love her teeth!!!